keskiviikko 10. helmikuuta 2016

Nyt se on totta! It´s real!

Minun ensimmäinen luontoretki on totta! Ja päätinpä sitten heti kättelyssä aloittaa kahdella ja vielä englanniksi. Toki sinne saa tulla myös suomenkieliset. Alla luettavissa retken englannin kielinen mainos.

Come and experience the finnish winter. Walk through a snowy forest, across a frozen bog and side by side a little running creek. Try to spot a rare white-throated Dipper or other birds and animals. See the wonder´s of the nature. 

The trail is 9 kilometres (5,5 miles) long.  Walking speed is easy and no special equipment is needed, only normal winter clothes and winter boots.

We start at 10:00 a.m at the main entrance of the Botanical Garden of the University of Oulu (Kaitoväylä 5) and we are back about 3-4 hours later. You can choose between two alternative dates, either March 4.2016 or March 21.2016. 

The trip costs only 10€/person and includes: tour guidening, as beverage a hot blackcurrant juice and a route map. Take along your own drinking water and snacks.

Select the day of the trip and sign up for it by email. Last change to sign up is day before the trip day in both case.

Ask for more information by email or phone. 

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